
Analisis Kinerja Sistem Informasi Akademik (SIAK) Menggunakan Model DeLone & McLean


Use of information technology is important for the institution, because it can increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the performance of institutions. Technical High School Musi (Musi STT) then switched into the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) Catholic University Musi-Caritas (UKMC) which use information technology. FST uses Academic Information System (SIAK), students and faculty can access useful information for students and lecturers. Based on observations conducted by researchers, that the students are required to use SIAK FST to support his studies. Information System Success Model is a model to measure the impact of the use of information systems, user satisfaction, quality systems and quality of information. Based on the results of the study of literature for this model have been carried by some researchers to see and measure the impact of the use of information systems. Therefore, this study was developed by adopting the model to see SJAK performance among students FST The study population was active students who use SIAK FS]' Musi. Samples were estimated as much as 78 respondents. Data were collected through questionnaires distributed to respondents. The data will be processed and analyzed by using multiple regression. The results of this study based on the hypothesis testing model_!, model_2, model_] and model_4 found that HI a, H2a, HJ a, H5a, H3b, H4b, H4a, H6a and H6b results are acceptable, while for HI b, H2b, H5B result is rejected. From the results of this study that greatly affect the performance SIAK SIAK use and user satisfaction

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