

排尿困難を主訴として来院した8歳齢,雌のミニチュアダックスフントに対し各種検査を行った結果,近位尿道部に発生した腫瘍に起因する尿道閉塞と診断した。排尿困難の改善と腫瘍摘出を目的とし,尿道膣吻合術を計画した。しかし,開腹下での所見において腫瘍が膀胱尿道移行部にまで浸潤していたため,計画していた術式を断念し,膀胱を反転させ膀胱尖部と遠位尿道部を吻合する新たな尿路変更術を試みた。術後,生存期間中は蓄尿機能の温存および自力排尿が可能となり,良好な排尿状態が得られた。An 8-year-old female Miniature Dachshund was presented for evaluation of dysuria, and urethral obstruction due to a proximal urethral tumor was diagnosed after a series of examinations. To relieve dysuria and to remove the tumor, urethral-vaginal anastomosis was the initial option but it was not possible, because tumor invasion into the vesicoureteral junction was found during the surgery. A new urinary diversion technique was attempted instead, and the bladder apex was flipped caudally and anastomosed to the distal urethra. After the surgery, good urinary patency was restored, and the bladder’s pooling function and voluntary urination were maintained throughout the duration of survival

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