

短大生と大学生を対象に味噌汁の濃度テストと嗜好テストおよび質問紙法によるアンケートによる食物摂取状況調査を行い,それらの関連性を検討し,次の結果が得られた。1)塩分濃度比較の正答率は70.7%であった。2)塩味認知閾値は低い(0.6%),高い(1.2%)の正答率が高くなった。3)家庭で使用する味噌は合わせ味噌が最も多く,正答率も高かった。4)嗜好度については白味噌は「うすい」,合わせ味噌は「ちょうどよい」,赤味噌は「濃い」の評価が多かった。5)味噌汁の嗜好度は濃い味を好む者は減塩を「心がけてない」が約6割を占めていた。また,不正答率も高かった。6)食品の摂取状況と嗜好度は汁物と簡便化食品(インスタント食品,コンビニ弁当,ファーストフード,スナック菓子)に摂取頻度は少ないが嗜好度は多い。しかし,肉類,魚介類,野菜類,卵類,乳・乳製品は摂取頻度も嗜好度も多かった。These are the results of the experiments and questionnaires on miso soup which were done both for university students and junior college students. The experiments on the concentration of salt contained in miso soup and on the tastes of the miso soup were performed. We had our students guess how much salt was contained in each bowl of miso soup, and along with the experiments we had the students fill out the questionnaires on their ingestion of food. We examined the connection among the results. 1) The percentage of correct answers on the comparison of the concentration of salt was 70.7%. 2) The higher percentage of correct answers given in sensing the concentration of salt was gained; 0.6% when it was low and 1.2% when it was high. 3) Awase miso or mixed miso is the most used at home and the high percentage of correct answers was gained. 4) Concerning the difference in tastes, the following results were gained; shiro miso tastes thin, mixed miso tastes good and aka miso taste thick. 5) About 60% of these surveyed prefer salty miso soup and they do not try to cut down on the salt in their diet ; consequently the percentage of correct answers was low. 6) Concerning the ingestion of food and the difference in tastes, there is a low consumption of soups and simple food such as instant food, packed lunches sold at convenience stores, fast food and snacks, there is, however, a major difference in tastes. There is a high frequency of ingestion of meat , seafood, vegetables, eggs and dairy products and also a major difference in tastes can be found

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