Data Readiness & Technology Assesment for Indonesian Non Profit Organization Using Data Maturity Framework


The development of Information Technology is increasing rapidly, especially with the commencement of the digital convergence era which is currently heading towards Industry 4.0, this is unavoidable especially for business organizations. The impact is also increasingly felt by nonprofit organizations, because inevitably business interactions also intersect with communal / social interactions that are mostly in Indonesia Communal / social interaction activities such as social and religious involve various non-profit organizations (non-profit) such as institutions community organizations, social foundations, religious organizations. Particularly for religious organizations, of course, besides having a role in the spiritual improvement of religious people, they must also respond to the positive issues of religious and social life through the use of media and information technology that should be a means of delivering accurate and responsible information. There needs to be a balance of information so that the communities served do not fall into the presence of information or digital technology that undermines physical communal encounters and even the passion for knowledge sharing that emphasizes the emotional bonds of humanity. Development of Information Technology Governance for nonprofit institutions needs to be made a kind of guideline for the use of information technology so that the information delivered to the community served is right on target and not disruptive, the first step that must be done is to measure data readiness and technology information so as to encourage awareness of community members in nonprofit organizations towards data culture (data culture) while still emphasizing data protection and ownership aspect

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