Spectrum, Volume 41, Issue 5


Highlights include: New Linda’s Containers: Saving the Planet or Inconvenient New Initiative? --The School of Communication and Media Arts has announced the annual Student Photography Exhibition, featuring junior Erica Condon and senior Erica Torrens, and presented by Professor Richard Falco (photos) --This fall season marks the 25th anniversary of the Sacred Heart University Marching Band --New Skull Session format allows fans to watch the band play and the color guard spin their whole field show on the new amphitheater steps. “We will also play school songs, patriotic selections, our field show with dances, and we even feature our new bagpipers,” said Keith Johnston, Director of Bands --Theatre Arts Program honored as one of the top 25 Bachelor programs of 2018-2019 --The SHU football team had their first conference match up of the season on Sept. 22, by defeating Wagner College 41-14, in Staten Island, N.Y. --Cheerleading team is ready for the fall season (photo) --Alumnus Alex Faccenda hired as new head coach of the club baseball team --Sports scoreboard

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