
Models of cosmic reionization predict that the earliest star-forming systems develop in primordial overdensities which, in turn, create ionized bubbles. With time, these bubbles grow and coalesce until the intergalactic medium is fully ionized. Since Lyman-alpha photons originating in these protoclusters can propagate freely through ionized gas, the highest redshift Lyman Alpha emitters (LAEs) act as valuable tracers of early ionized bubbles. We present evidence that the highest redshift LAE, EGSz8p7 (z=8.68), is likely embedded in such an overdensity. Collectively, in all of HST's deep fields, blank fields and gravitationally-lensed fields spanning >1000 arcmin^2 there are ~30 photometric candidates at z~9, yet a third lie within 3.75' (10 cMpc) of EGSz8p7. To confirm and exploit this extraordinary early overdensity we seek systemic redshifts and diagnostic features only JWST can provide. We propose blind, grism spectroscopy to map the ionized bubble around EGSz8p7 using the [OIII] doublet. A blind survey is optimal for determining a complete census of EGSz8p7's physical neighbors. Spitzer/IRAC color excesses at z>8 imply extreme [OIII] EWs (~6000 A) ensuring efficient use of JWST. Stellar population modeling of the sources around EGSz8p7 may give us the strongest constraints yet on when star-formation first commenced after the Big Bang (i.e., cosmic dawn). Our spectra will likewise constrain the ionizing photon production efficiency, a key unknown in reionization calculations. Our observing strategy is designed for maximum legacy value with a footprint overlapping the CEERS ERS survey and use of the wide F444W grism that will guarantee additional

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