New PV system concept : wireless PV module prototype


A first wireless PV module prototype is presented. The energy transfer from the solar cells to the string cable is done using the inductive power transfer technology. A half-bridge LLC resonant converter is designed for the DC/AC conversion. The wireless module consists of 60 half-cells and an integrated planar coil. The resonant converter is not yet integrated into the module, but it can be connected externally to the planar coil. The energy is transferred from the primary coil to the secondary planar coil placed outside of the PV module on top of the primary coil. An active rectifier is connected to the secondary coil and it feeds the DC system cable. The first measurements yielded in an efficiency of 88.2 % including the resonant converter, the inductive power transmission and the active rectifier efficiencies. The corresponding output was 207 W

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