
Any failure of technical means or abnormal operation situation reduces the intensity of rail traffic, significantly affects economic and operational performance of the transport market actors. In recent years, these complex processes have additionally been affected by threats caused by adverse changes in the economy and irregularities in the organization of transportation [1, 2]. So it is necessary to move from a traditional (situational) technology to a new one, «preventive», which is determined by means of monitoring and diagnostics based on a missed freight turnover and structural features of the track superstructure. The objective of the authors is to investigate a selective technology of repair and maintenance of the track superstructure.The proposed technology is called selective because it is focused on repair of infrastructure on the fact (optionally, selectively). Selection implies the existence of an insurance or safety fund, which performs two functions: it collects payments with varying frequency to perform various types of repair work, and then as needed pays for these works. Cash flows related to the insurance fund, are structured and designed for a specific frequency of use, and the state of the fund itself is described by a random process of risk. Assessment of technological risk indicators and measures of reliability is given by simulation.Предложено математическое обеспечение для формализации селективной технологии ремонта верхнего строения пути, основанной на обслуживании по «фактическому состоянию». Селективная (выборочная) технология предполагает наличие страхового фонда, который выполняет две функции: накапливает платежи с различной периодичностью для выполнения различного вида ремонтных работ, а затем по мере необходимости оплачивает эти работы. Денежные потоки, связанные со страховым фондом, структурированы и рассчитаны на определенную периодичность использования, а само состояние фонда описывается случайным процессом риска. Оценка показателей технологического риска и меры достоверности дается с помощью имитационного моделирования

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