Human Placenta Extract Therapy for Feline Hepatic Lipidosis


Feline hepatic lipidosis (HL), the most common hepatobiliary disease in cats, is characterized by the accumulation of excessive triglycerides (TGs) in more than 80% of hepatocytes. Forced oral feeding is recommended as the only therapy for this disease but the prognosis is often poor. As human placenta extract (Laennec) has been used to improve hepatic metabolism, we investigated the efficacy of this drug for the treatment of cats with HL. Ten cats diagnosed with HL in this study were treated with Laennec as a therapeutic drug. An immediate improvement in clinical symptoms was observed in all 10 cases. A statistical analysis indicated that the blood level of ALT (P = 0.029), AST (P = 0.029), ALP (P = 0.005), and T-Bil (P = 0.012) decreased significantly after treatment. All 7 hospitalized cases were eventually discharged from the hospital with a mean hospitalization duration of 4.8 days. The results of this study suggest that Laennec preparation has potential as an effective medicine for feline HL

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