Teaching Multicultural Texts At The Secondary Level


This project answers the question: What are the best practices for selecting and teaching multicultural literature in secondary schools in order to represent and build empathy for students from traditionally marginalized populations? The focus is two-fold as multicultural literature offers benefits to students in several forms. The research behind the project reviewed the literary canon that is traditionally taught, who holds curricular decision making power, the impacts and best practices for teaching multicultural literature, as well as strategies for building empathy via multicultural literature. The project is designed to serve as a consolidated resource for secondary English teachers who are interested in adding a multicultural literature unit into their curriculum. Taking the format of a website, the project walks teachers through the process of justifying the curricular change, selecting an authentic/appropriate text, best practices for instruction, as well as a sample unit to use as a guide. The overdue need, major leanings, limitations, and strategies for implementing multicultural literature are addressed. The conclusion supports the integration of multicultural literature in the secondary English classroom

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