Formulation and Evaluation of Anti-Acne Herbal Face Wash Gel


Acne is a chronic inflammatory disorder of pilosebaceous unit, which involves increased sebum production by sebaceous glands and abnormal desquamation of hair follicles occur in response to increasing androgen levels with the onset of puberty. Obstruction of follicles causes follicular distention which is often accompanied by the proliferation of the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes and the activation of an inflammatory response. The present work aimed to prepare the face wash gel containing Thai herbal extract.The plants have been reported in the literature having good anti-microbial, anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. Prepared formulation was evaluated for various parameters like colour, appearance, consistency, pH, viscosity, stability studies and consumer acceptance test. Results showed that the gels were non-irritant, stable and posses anti-acne activity. The efficacy when tested with a standard was almost same to that of polyherbal gel. Concluded that from this study, extract was proved to be stable and considered as an effective herbal formulation for acne treatment. Keywords: Acne vulgaris, Anti-acne activity, Anti-microbial, Inflammatory response

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