

訪問看護ステーション実習における学生の学びの実態を明らかにするために,学生が体験した訪問看護実習の中での印象事例の分析を行った。研究参加者は,老年看護学実習を終了した3年次生で,調査への同意,協力が得られた学生,47名である。訪問看護実習の中での印象事例,およびその印象事例をあげた理由について問い,自由記述で回答を求めた。印象事例を分析した結果,〈介護者である家族からの学び〉〈老々介護の実態の衝撃と学び〉〈介護者である家族の意向を重視したケアの工夫〉〈家族のケアの認識と必要なケアの乖離に伴う困難〉〈初めて出会う事例へのとまどい〉〈一対一でかかわる訪問看護師の魅力の発見〉〈利用者の役に立った実感とよろこび〉の7つの印象事例が抽出された。結果からは,学生が利用者だけでなくその家族にも焦点をあてていることが明らかとなった。訪問看護ステーションをフィールドとした実習は,健康障害をもちながら在宅で生活する高齢者だけでなく,その介護者である家族のケアのありようについて学ぶことを可能にするといえる。また,学生は老々介護の実態についても学んでいた。訪問看護ステーションは,高齢者の介護における現状と課題について学ぶことのできる実習フィールドといえる。しかしながら,本研究においては,訪問先で学生が今まで見たこともない事例に遭遇し,とまどっている実態も明らかとなった。今後は,訪問先でとまどいを感じたり,後悔するような出来事に遭遇した学生の体験をひとつの学びの体験に変えていくような働きかけについて検討していくことが求められる。The purpose of this study is to clarify what the students have actually learned in home visit nursing station practical training. The research participants are the 47 students who finished practical training in home visit nursing station. They were asked to write freely about the impression of their practical training and its reasons. As a result of analysis of the impression cases, seven cases were extracted as follows : 1)the learning from the family who care the old people, 2) the mutual nursing of old people by husband and wife, 3) old people care with the intention of the family, 4) the difficulty in care caused by different recognition between the family and the nurse, 5) the bewilderment at the first sight of the new case, 6) the attractiveness of the visiting care, 7) the joy of caring of the old peopole. The analysis shows clearly that the students have focused on not only the old people but also the family. Also, we can see that practical training in home visit nursing station studies makes it possible to learn about care of the family as well as about the old people who need care. Also, the student had learned the actual condition of the old couple nursing. The home visit nursing station can be regarded as an effective practical training field to study the real situations and problems in the nursing of old people. At the same time, we cannot over look the fact that some students have experienced the new cases which they had not seen in the course study, which made them puzzled. In the future, it is necessary to consider how to change these puzzling experiences into actual learning experience. We should provide the students with the chance to cope with these puzzlement

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