Comparitive Analysis of Simhanada and Vatari Guggulu


Guggulu is the resin obtained from Commiphora mukul which is widely used in case of vata-kaphaja rogas especially vata vyadhi. Several guggulu formulations have been explained in the books of Ayurveda but two formulations namely; Simhanada and Vatari Guggulu stand out amongst them. They are both mentioned in Bhaishajya Ratnavali of Govinda Das in the context of Amavata but Simhanada Guggulu was also first mentioned in Chakradutta. Though mentioned in the same book and in the same chapter, they contain the same ingredients. The only difference among them is the proportion of ingredients and method of preparation. Very specific indications have been explained for both the formulations apart from the main indication - Amavata. Aiming to understand what sets these formulations apart, they were prepared and analysed. However, the preparation, though done in accordance with the method explained in Bhaishajya Ratnavali, was a bit difficult. Several trials were done, to prepare both the formulations and the final product was analysed with market samples of the same. The results of analytical values were compared within and between the samples to understand how the proportions and methods of preparation may affect the values. The values obtained from the final products were compared to the values in Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India and tabulated. Keywords: Guggulu, Simhanada, vata-kaphaja rogas, Amavat

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