A complete cellular manufacturing system design methodology based on axiomatic design principles


Bu makale, fonksiyonel olarak yerleştirilmiş üretim sistemini hücrelerden oluşan üretim sistemine dönüştürmek isteyen tasarımcılar için aksiyomlarla tasarım (AD) prensiplerine göre hazırlanmış bütünsel bir yöntemi sunmaktadır. Bağımsızlık aksiyomuna göre geliştirilen bu yöntem, hücresel üretim sistemi dönüşüm sürecindeki tüm adımları sistematik bir biçimde sağlar. Ayrıca belirlenen performans ölçütlerine göre hücresel üretim sisteminin değerlendirilmesini ve geliştirilmesini sağlayan geri besleme sistemini de içermektedir. Yöntem alüminyum esaslı merdiven, rampa ve köprü ürünleri üreten bir firmada uygulamaya alınmıştır. Uygulama sonucunda elde edilen gelişmeler  yine çalışma kapsamında gösterilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Aksiyomlarla tasarım, hücresel üretim, uygulama rehberi.Worldwide manufacturing companies should pay attention to the design of the manufacturing systems as well as the design of the products. If the manufacturing systems are not designed properly at the beginning, the target performance can not be achieved in spite of the effort during the planning and controlling. The condition of rivalry nowadays forces that an effective manufacturing system should be formed by cells. When the issues on the design of the cellular manufacturing systems are searched , it is seen that there is not any scientific guiding work about the whole design of the cellular manufacturing systems and their relations in themselves. This paper provides a framework and a road map for people who are ready to transform their traditional production system from process orientation to cellular orientation, based on Axiomatic Design (AD) principles. This guide, which are developed, based on the Independence Axiom, provide necessary steps in transforming an existing process oriented system into a cellular manufacturing systems. A feedback mechanism for continuous improvement is also suggested for evaluating and improving the cellular design against pre-selected performance criteria. A complete implementation of the proposed methodology at a local manufacturing company and resulting performance improvements are also provided. Keywords: Axiomatic design, cellular manufacturing, implementation guide

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