Miocénní sedimenty ve vrtu HVS -2 v areálu spalovny SAKO a. s. v Brně-Líšni


The borehole HVS-2 was subdivided to 6 depth intervals based on lithology, associations of heavy minerals, and petrography of psefitic fraction. Pleistocene fluvial sandy gravels represent the top of the section. Underlying sandy gravels are Early Badenian sediments of coarse-grained delta. The underlying brown grey and multicolored clays and silts separated by coarse sands may be interpreted as lacustrine or lagoonal and fluvial deposits. They are late Karpatian or younger based on ?reworked foraminifer fauna with Globorotalia cf. bykovae. Basal grey green clayey sands are probably aluvial deposits of unknown age

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