The Distribution of some Elements and Oxides in the Soil Profiles of the Králický Sněžník Region


The work aims to present the preliminary results of the study of distribution of heavy metals and toxic elements in the profiles of chosen dug holes in the area of Králický Sněžník. We have focused mainly on the changes in the element contents depending on the sampling depth, and on the mutual correlations among the elements. We have also monitored several radioactive elements (including the anthropogenic 137Cs nuclide that contaminated the environment after the Chernobyl disaster) and tried to trace the origin of the contaminants in the rock environment.The work aims to present the preliminary results of the study of distribution of heavy metals and toxic elements in the profiles of chosen dug holes in the area of Králický Sněžník. We have focused mainly on the changes in the element contents depending on the sampling depth, and on the mutual correlations among the elements. We have also monitored several radioactive elements (including the anthropogenic 137Cs nuclide that contaminated the environment after the Chernobyl disaster) and tried to trace the origin of the contaminants in the rock environment

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