La implicación del docente en el trabajo fin de grado: responsabilidades y reconocimiento académico


El presente trabajo analiza el Trabajo Fin de Grado como asignatura obligatoria del último curso del Grado. Lo hace desde la perspectiva descriptiva y crítica pero centrada en la experiencia de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y más en concreto del Departamento de Derecho constitucional, ya que cada experiencia es única. De los muchos aspectos susceptibles de análisis se incide de manera especial en las responsabilidades del Tutor/docente de esta asignatura TFG y en el reconocimiento académico que otorga la Universidad a los profesores de la misma. Se utilizan como experiencias alternativas otras Facultades y se proponen sugerencias de cambio o mejora en el diseño del TFG.  These pages try to analyze the university experiences doing a Final Work Paper. The Spanish university had changed very much among the last years and by this reason it’s very important to look over that changes because some aspects aren`t contributing to better the old model of university. The Final Work Paper is an obligatory subject inside Law Degree and it has recognized six credits. That means about 150 students works hours and three hours more working with the university advisor or teacher. There are a lot of problems to resolve in this matter but the first question to study is the enormous heterogeneity from each University and kind of Degree. We consider only two aspects: universities teacher responsibilities and docents awarding by credits. Both of them are no good designed by the moment and proof of that are multiple and different regulations. In Spain this final work paper isn’t a research work but paradoxically has worked like that. Finally, after some critical ideas, we want to add suggestions to improve or better formal aspects and content of final work paper.  

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