Una pieza de plateria virreinal en la basílica de Nuestra Señora de las Angustias


La custodia de 1727 que se conserva en la Basílica de Nuestra Señora de las Angustias de Granada es una pieza singular pues a sus valores artísticos y religiosos se une el que sea una muestra de la platería virreinal en nuestra ciudad.A piece of Viceroy silverwork (discovered) in the Basílica of 'Nuestra Señora de las Angustias', Granada.In this article the author studies a pieces of great quality and beauty dating from 1927. The work is significant not only for its inherent artistic and religious value, but also because it represents one of the few examples of silverwork from the Viceroy period found in the town to date.A complementary part of this study is that devoted to an account of the history of this work of art, and how it eventually arrived in Granada, after travelling thousands of miles, from Quito, Perú

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