A Review on Sewage Sludge Gasification And Its Energy Recovery Potential


Advancement in technologies & increase in population brings about more industrial production & human generated wastes. But these wastes are not being efficiently disposed causing harm to environment. Sewage sludge gasification is a recent trend in the waste treatment area wherein, most of the energy left over in sewage sludge can be harnessed and reused in constructive ways like power generation and operation of dryers etc. This method when compared to direct combustion or incineration produces far less dangerous gases and the same amount of disposable ash. Also gasification does not need fuel to hold a sustainable process, the dried sewage sludge itself is used as fuel. The dried sludge we can produce a combustible gas which can be made very flexible to produce electrical energy or to burn it very cleanly. The gasification in the fluidized bed and the gas cleaning with the granular bed filter has shown successful operation. This holds promise of a very major emission reduction and energy saving effect. There have been many plants around the world, successfully running, in an integrated fashion, along with the treatment plants to lower the running costs and emissions & the final debris to be disposed.

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