Effects of a curricular model on skill development, knowledge, and game performance


Being able to play a sport has been a primary goal of any physical education program (NASPE, 1995). A tool used by physical education teachers in promoting sport has been the use of curricular models. Two models that have been of interest have been the Sport Education Curricular Model (SECM) and a multi-activity model. With little research investigating how these two models influence game play in the secondary level; the purpose of this study was to investigate how the SECM and a longer version of the multi-activity model called the Extended Multi-Activity Model (EMAM) would affect skill development, knowledge, and game performance for the sport of volleyball at the secondary level.;A 2 x 2 x 3 (group x gender x time) research design was utilized on forty-seven secondary students testing volleyball skills (i.e., serve, set, and pass), knowledge, and game performance. Participants were tested on the dependent variables pre, mid, and post of the twenty lesson intervention. Results revealed no group x time interaction but data there were improvement in skills for both models. There were also no significant differences for knowledge although there was some improvement for both curricular models. There was an interaction effect for group x time when dealing with game performance, F (2, 86) = 8.06, p \u3c .01. The SECM group overall made more correct decisions, executed skill more proficiently, and adjusted to the ball better than the EMAM group. In conclusion, if the goal of the physical education program is to promote game play, the SECM is more efficient in enhancing game play than an extended version of the multi-activity model (i.e., EMAM)

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