Understanding the Difference Between Transformational Leadership and Cultural Intelligence


Understanding the relationship between transformational leadership competencies and cultural intelligence is becoming increasingly important due to today\u27s evolving economy and as the demands for global leaders rise. As the cross-cultural relationships of global trade, foreign policy, concerns of terrorism, and environmental welfare continue, understanding the key competencies that contribute to a successful global leader will become more relevant (Lewis, Boston & Peterson, 2017). The purpose of this study is to examine if there is a relationship between transformational leadership (TL) and the four factors (strategy, knowledge, motivation, and behavior) of cultural intelligence (CQ). A total of 100 participants were recruited from a global organization based in Maine, USA. An electronic questionnaire, comprised of demographic data and 21 items from Bass and Avolio\u27s (1991) Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) and 20 items from Ang and Van Dyne\u27s (2008) Cultural Intelligence Scale (CQS) were addressed on a Likert type scale. A Pearson\u27s r correlation analysis indicated that there is a positive linear relationship between transformational leadership competencies and each of the four cultural intelligence factors

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