Driving is an essential occupation of most individuals; from work to school to medical needs and everyday activities, people need to drive, safety and predictably. This evidence-based project utilized published, scholarly and peer-reviewed studies, both quantitative and qualitative, to attempt to answer the question, ‘Do Occupational Therapy services for people with dementia or progressive neurological conditions predict the ability for the individual to remain safely engaged in the occupation of driving?’ Exclusion material was any articles found that were driving programs. This evidence-based projects ended up with a total of 11 articles; four level I articles, three level II articles, two level III articles, one level IV article, and one level V article. Together, these findings suggest there is limited research about accurate driving assessments and progressive neurological diseases. Therefore, as of now; there is not one assessment or battery of assessments that accurately predicts the driving ability for persons with a progressive neurological disorder