Jazzing Up Next-Gen Librarians for Freshman Engineering Instruction Delivery


Because of the need for science and engineering librarians, both nationwide and at West Virginia University (WVU), a model of Introduction to STEM Disciplines’ Information Use and Mentoring occurred at WVU. The engineering librarians introduced new resident librarians and a graduate research assistant to the Freshman Engineering program and involved them in teaching several engineering information literacy sessions. The goal of engaging the new librarians into the educational activities was to motivate their learning, gain feedback on current teaching strategies and fresh ideas for possible future implementation, and facilitate buy-in of the need for and role of STEM-specific librarians. The new team members learned the specific information literacy resources for the engineering field, provided feedback on the teaching methods, offered new ideas for implementation, and engaged with the engineering faculty and current STEM librarians about possible modifications to the types of information offered and the timing of its delivery

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