Become an American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP) Board Certified Specialist in Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology


This workshop will focus on how to become a Board Certified Specialist in Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology. Certification by ABPP demonstrates psychologists have met their specialty’s standards and competencies. Board Certification is valuable for several reasons: (a) it is increasingly becoming an expectation in our profession; (b) it enhances practitioner credibility for patients; (c) it distinguishes you from other psychologists; (d) there are potential salary increases by the VA, hospitals, the military, and other health care facilities; (e) it enhances qualifications as an expert witness; (f) it facilitates inter-jurisdictional licensing and practice mobility; and (g) it streamlines the credentialing process for licensing boards, and insurance companies. The application process for regular, early entry (graduate students, interns, and residents), and senior option candidates will be reviewed

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