Children Served by MaineCare, 2007: Survey Findings


This report presents findings from a telephone survey of children currently enrolled in or recently disenrolled from MaineCare, the State‘s Medicaid and State Children‘s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). The sample was randomly selected, and stratified to include children enrolled in MaineCare through the Medicaid eligibility category, and through two SCHIP eligibility categories, Medicaid Expansion and the Separate Child Health Program (CHP). 1 These three eligibility categories include children ages 18 or under living in households with income up to 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. Income eligibility limits are lowest for the Medicaid eligibility category, followed by the Medicaid Expansion and the Separate Child Health Program categories.2 Between May and September 2007 telephone interviews were completed with 1,531 parents of enrolled children and 259 parents of disenrolled children

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