Shared Governance at Virginia Commonwealth University: Increasing Awareness of Shared Governance Among Faculty


Abstract SHARED GOVERNANCE AT VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY: INCREASING AWARENESS OF SHARED GOVERNANCE AMONG FACULTY By Andrea H. Becker, Carlton H. Goode, Jennifer C. Rivers, Melissa W. Tyler A capstone project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education in the Department of Educational Leadership at Virginia Commonwealth University Virginia Commonwealth University, 2022. Capstone Chair: Jonathan D. Becker, Ph.D., Department of Educational Leadership The primary focus of this study is to understand and define the concept of shared governance as practiced at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). The researchers approached the study through three guiding questions: What is shared governance as understood through relevant literature and practice; What are the current faculty perceptions of shared governance at VCU; How can awareness of shared governance be increased at the institution? A naturalistic study was conducted including a thorough literature review and narrative data collection from focus groups, individual interviews, and a modified charrette. Participants included faculty across the institution from a variety of ranks, units, and demographics. The study found faculty perceptions and literature speak to two overarching ways to experience shared governance at VCU: structure and culture. Structural components included the lack of standardized systems, workflow, and communication methods between university stakeholders. Cultural components encompassed decreased trust, engagement, and value of engaging in shared governance. Using the information collected, this paper offers recommendations for a collective definition of shared governance and strategies for increasing awareness. Keywords: shared governance, faculty governance, participatory governance, structure, communication, recognition, trust, transparenc

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