シン カリキュラム コウチク ニ トモナウ ロウネン カンゴ ガッコウ キョウイク ナイヨウ ノ ケントウ


 本学人間科学部看護学科は,保健師助産師看護師学校養成所指定規則(以下指定規則)などの一部を改正する省令(平成20 年文部科学省・厚生労働省令第1 号)に伴い,平成24 年度入学生からカリキュラムの変更を行うことになった.これを受けて老年看護学においても指定規則改正の趣旨に沿う形で,カリキュラムの構築に取り組んだ.加えて,「教員を対象としたカリキュラムに対するアンケート結果」と「老年看護学の現行カリキュラムの評価」内容も吟味した. この結果,老年看護を展開する上で基盤となる理論やモデルに関連した知識を修得するために「老年看護学概論Ⅱ」を新たに設立した.また,「老年看護学実習Ⅰ」と「老年看護学実習Ⅱ」と分断されていた実習を,老年者を対象とした看護過程の展開を実践し,自らの援助や既存の理論,科学的根拠について検証するなど,思考展開を重視した目標を掲げて,「老年看護学実習」として統合を図った.In the Department of nursing, Faculty of Human Science of Hokkaido Bunkyo University, it wasdecided to introduce a revised curriculum for students enrolled from April, 2012 onward. The revision of the curriculum was made following the ministerial ordinance (The Ordinance of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, No. 1., 2008) that stipulates a partial revision of the specific regulation for vocational schools of public health nurses, midwives and regular nurses (Specified Regulation). Therefore, we worked on reconstructing a geriatric nursing study curriculum in conformity with the revision of the regulation involved. Furthermore, we also examined the contents of the "questionnaire for faculty members about the curriculum results," and "evaluation of the present geriatric nursing study curriculum." Consequently, a new course "Introduction to Geriatric Nursing Study II" was established so that students could acquire knowledge related to theories and models which will help them work as geriatric nurses. Under the previous curriculum, practical training was divided into two stages, "Geriatric Nursing Practical Training I" and "Geriatric Nursing Practical Training II." However, we integrated these two into one course named "Geriatric Nursing Practical Training" in order that the candidates might broaden their perspectives by practicing nursing procedures for the elderly and by reviewing their care, existing theories, and evidence

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