
 公衆栄養学分野の臨地実習の課題として健康教育を実施するにあたり、対象者である給食施設従事者の食生活の現状把握と、課題を見出すことを目的に調査を行った。給食施設従事者428 人を対象に自記式質問紙による調査を行った結果、体型の自己認識で「太っている」「やや太っている」と評価した者は、40 歳代が最も多く、国民健康・栄養調査の結果と比べても高い割合を示した。また、主菜の食材は、誰を主な対象として献立を立てるかにより差異がみられた。特に、「子供」中心の献立である者で「脂質の多い肉」「ハム・ソーセージなどの加工品」の使用が有意に高かった。40 歳代では、献立の中心者が「子ども」の者が多いことから、子どもと同様の食事を食べることが、脂質の過剰摂取につながっていると思われる。嗜好品の摂取状況では、飲酒者の割合、間食を摂る者の割合がともに、国民健康・栄養調査の結果よりも高かった。また、飲酒時のつまみや間食の内容で、脂肪の多い食品の利用があり、食事以外での脂質摂取についても注意が必要であることが示唆された。 As a public health nutrition on-site training project, we conducted a survey of canteen employees in order to better understand their diet and to identify any related problems, as well as to provide employees with health education. A self-administered questionnaire was administered to 428 canteen employees. Employees in their 40s included the highest percentage of respondents who perceived their body shape to be“ plump” or“ a little plump”, and this percentage was higher than that obtained in the National Health and Nutrition ExaminationSurvey. The ingredients in the main dishes eaten by respondents varied according to the main target of the meal. In particular, respondents who prepared meals mainly for children used significantly more “fatty meats” and “processed foods such as ham and sausage”. Since many respondents in their 40s prepared meals mainly for children, eating the same food as children is likely to result in excessive fat intake. The percentage of respondents who regularly drank alcohol and the percentage of those who regularly ate between meals were both found to be higher than those obtained in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Many respondents alsofrequently ate fatty foods with alcohol or between meals, suggesting that it is necessary to monitor fat intake between meals as well as at mealtimes

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