チイキ ノ ケンコウ モンダイ ノ チュウシュツ ブンセキ オ トリイレタ リンチ ジッシュウ カラ エタ ガクセイ ノ マナビ


 2008 年から,北海道千歳保健所で実習した学生に,健康や栄養に関するアンケート調査の実施から健康栄養教育実施の一連のプロセスを体験する臨地実習を行った.健康課題の抽出・分析を取り入れた臨地実習で学生がどのような学びを得ていたかを明らかにすることを目的に,実習後に提出された報告書の記述内容を分析した.学生の記述と自己評価から,「公衆栄養の重要性」「協働と他職種,関係機関の連携」の理解度が高く,臨地実習の目的を達成できたことが示唆された.一方,「地域社会資源の理解」や「地域で暮らす人を生活の主体者として捉える」に関する目標は,実習施設の特徴や実習期間の関連から理解度が低い結果となった.健康栄養教育実施の一連のプロセスを体験した学生は,健康栄養教育のプロセスを理解した他に,メンバー間に連帯感を生み,将来展望を示すことに繋がった.臨地実習の目標達成のためには,科目担当教員と指導担当管理栄養士の連携の重要性が示唆された. In the present study, we conducted clinical training that covered a series of processes from aquestionnaire survey on health and nutrition to health and nutrition education for students who engaged in practical training at Chitose Public Health Office in Hokkaido from 2008. The reports submitted by students after completion of practical training were analyzed in order to clarify the contents learned by students during clinical practice, which incorporated the identification and analysis of health issues. Students’ reports and selfevaluations indicated that the understanding of the objectives of clinical training, specifically "the importance of public health nutrition" and "collaborations and cooperation with other professions and relevant institutions", were achieved. However, lower scores were obtained for "understanding of social resources in the community"and "viewing community residents as central players in community life". Students who experienced a series of processes in health and nutrition education not only gained an understanding of the process of health and nutrition education, but also developed a sense of connectedness with other members, which led to a clearer future outlook. Cooperation between instructors in charge of the relevant subjects and registered dietitians in charge of guidancewas considered important for achieving the goals of clinical training

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