Accelerating transition to virtual research organization in social science (AVROSS) : first results from a survey of e-infrastructure adopters


This paper presents the first results of a survey and case study analysis of early adopters of e-Infrastructure across the world, focusing on continental Europe, the UK and the USA. Information was gathered on a number of possible influences on the adoption and level of usage of e-Infrastructure in the social sciences and humanities, and comparisons are made by region. We find that the most important influences affecting whether and where e- Infrastructure is adopted in these disciplines is the availability of the necessary qualified staff and of the required funding are the most important influences on whether and where e-Infrastructure. There are indications that adoption could be accelerated were the most eminent scientists from the social sciences and humanities to more widely promote the benefits to research of e-Infrastructure adoption to their colleagues in the discipline. Last but not least, we see different types of projects in continental Europe, the UK and the US

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