Genetic Diversity among Desmodium Gangeticum (L.) DL Accessions a Desmodin Synthesising Ethno-Medicinal Plant With SSR and Internal Transcribed Spacer Region for Species Conservation


In the present study simple sequence repeat (SSR) andintertranscribed spacer markers markers were used inDesmodium gangeticum to find out the genetic diversityanalysis for the biodiversity conservation of the Species as theplant is being used in medicinal preparations as well as havemany industrial applications. The study was aimed to find outthe relationships among different accessions. We find intrapopulationmean genetic value of (1.835) and Shannon (0.641)among the accessions. in AMOVA analysis, we noticed smallvariation accessions as (P = 1).The dendrogram generatedthrough distance matrix using the SIMQUAL-Dice Coefficientmodule of NTSYSpc ver matches to some extent with the PCAgraph. In the barcode ITS marker analysis the UPGMA showsthe accessions clustered into two groups. Blast results showedmaximum E-value in DG2 accession. In conclusion the abovebased markers can be used for the population conservationand authentication of the above medicinally important plant

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