Industrial Archaeology and its Relevance to the Technical Studies' Teacher


Changes both in society and its aspirations, and industrial structure and requirements, have resulted in a fundamental rethinking of the role of the teacher of 'craft'. This has changed from one of an imparter of traditional handicraft skills in wood and metal to a much wider concept of promoting interest and concern with design and technology and its effects on the society in which the young citizen of today 路finds himself or herself. This widening of aim has demanded a new title for the subject area which better reflects its new role, hence the term design and technology rather than the restriction implied in the word handicraft. The extended field of interest which has come under the purview of the teacher of design and technology has brought with it opportunities for a closer liaison with teachers of the sciences and humanities and the consequent development of integrated study units. It is however essential that such integration is a natural and logical progression and not merely an artificial concoction by those anxious to jump upon any educational bandwaggon that happens to be fashionable at the time. Such a natural and logical progression is provided by industrial archaeology. At the same time this discipline can play an effective role in explaining to the maturing mind the basis of Britain's present socio-economic structure and technical development

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