

The following publications have been reviewed by the mentioned authors;Graphics and Design by R. W. Boycott and J. Bolan, reviewed by Richard KimbellThe Practical Woodwork Book: Anthony Hontoir by John Murray, reviewed by David JonesIntroducing Art - A first book on the History and Appreciation of the Visual Arts by Donald Richardson, reviewed by John LancasterSoldering and Brazing by Tubol Cain, reviewed by  W. T. PriceSheet Metal Work by R. E. Wakefield, reviewed by W. T. PriceThe Art of Welding by W. A. Vause, reviewed by W. T. PriceWorld and Image: A Journal of Verbal/Visual Enquiry. First Issues: Vol.1, January-March 1985 by John Dixon Hunt, reviewed by John LancasterTeachers, Computers and the Classroom by I. Reid and J. Rushton, reviewed by Sean NeillDesign Courses in Britain 1986 by The Design Council, reviewed by J. BarlowGender, science and technology: Inservice handbook by Judith Whyte, reviewed by T. Dore

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