Posyandu on the Road


Health is a basic right for every human being from the age of infants, toddlers, teens, adults to old age as stated in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945 section 28H paragraph 1 (UUD RI 1945 pasal 28H ayat 1) and also as an investment, so it needs to be pursued and enhanced by each individual, in order to achieve an optimal level of public health. One form of community empowerment efforts in the health sector is to develop Posyandu. Posyandu (Pos Pelayanan Terpadu) is a container-managed public health services and hosted from, by, for, and with the community with support services and technical guidance from health professionals, which aims to develop human resources. Community awareness nutrition and health still lack, especially to the rural communities. Most mothers of infants and toddlers lazy to bring them to the Posyandu, as well as pregnant women. Posyandu on the Road is one of the solutions to overcome the problem of lazy mothers who come to the Posyandu. Posyandu on the Road carried from door to door that meaning volunteers and health workers visited one of the houses that have infants, toddlers, and pregnant women. Posyandu on the Road have the same activity with regular Posyandu. Difference of Posyandu on the Road with normal Posyandu lies in the place, where Posyandu on the Road using the car, while the regular Posyandu held in resident’s house or in the village hall. Posyandu on the Road is expected to contribute to improving the quality of human resources that will be the potential for the development of the nation's health.

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