Governance, Legal Order, and Social Integration : Reviewing New Governance Approaches in EU Studies


\u27New governance approaches\u27 have flourished in EU studies after the Maastricht. Although the scholars who take these approaches have offered various viewpoints, the EU is commonly regarded as a sui generis system from a postnational perspective. The purpose of this paper is to review the current studies on these approaches and to propose one research strategy in order to make the studies more elaborate. Chapter 1 examines the implication of \u27governance\u27, and shows the difference between international relations and EU studies in terms of usage. Chapter 2 clarifies the target of new governance approaches in EU studies and delineates the postnational perspective. Chapter 3 presents the problem of how it is possible to differentiate between a national, an international, and an EU legal order, with the view to regarding a legal order as outcome and moment of governance, and offers one research strategy as a socio-legal approach that investigates the relation between a legal order and a mode of social integration. This paper concludes that the socio-legal approach is necessary for the postnational perspective of new governance approaches to catch up with the transformation of a sovereign nation-state in the EU

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