A preliminary investigation on long-term consistency of MPC as a quick daily QA application


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to establish Machine performance check (MPC) application as a comprehensive daily QA program in a clinical setting for a True Beam 2.0 system and investigate the first ten months (195 days) daily QA data generated by the MPC.Methods: An automated daily quality assurance (QA) application named machine performance check (MPC) was recently launched by Varian Medical Systems with their TrueBeam 2.0 linear accelerator (linac) system. MPC performs all the essential machine tests such as Beam Constancy Check, and Geometry Check with the use of an IsoCal phantom. There is no systematic published study on long-term consistency and validation of MPC in a clinical set-up for its acceptance as an alternative QA application. In the present study, we collected data with the MPC for over ten months (195 days) on a TrueBeam 2.0 system. The data was analysed for reproducibility and also compared with the data collected with other statndard QA devices at the time of commissioning of the TrueBeam system for validation.Results: The results showed that the reproducibility of MPC was at least an order of magnitude less than the tolerance values for the respective parameters and also the average measured values for all QA parameters studied. The MPC measured isocenter accuracy, and output values were close to the Winston-Lutz test (within 0.1 mm) and the ion-chamber measurements (within 0.1%), respectively.Conclusion: With our long term result, it is evident that the MPC could be an alternative daily QA tool. A comprehensive and long-term validation of the MPC measured values with the other standard QA methods over the ten month period will be needed before accepting MPC as a reliable QA tool

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