
peninggalan sejarah sebagai sumber belajar dalam kurikulum berbasis kompetensi (studi kasus di Kabupaten Semarang)


The objectives of current study were to examine : (1) historical relics in Semarang Regency which likely become learning resources, (2) benefits of using historical relics in Semarang Regency in light of social science learning with Competency Based Curriculum. The study was conducted in Semarang Regency, focusing on historical relics i.e. Hinduist temples and implementation of history class with Competency Based Curriculum in several state junior high school over the period of October 2005 – February 2006. This study was an applied qualitative-descriptive inquiry, in particular it dealt with policy and confined case study. Data were collected through profound interviews, direct observations and bibliographical study. Respondents were taken by “purposive sampling’ i.e. those considered having deep knowledge on the matter such as supervisors, principals, students, hinduist temple site janitors and historians. Data were validated with informant review techniques, data triangulation techniques. Interactive data analysis was used by elaborating data collection with data reduction, data display, conclusion drawing/verification. It was concluded that: (1) Numerous historical relics were found in Semarang Regency eligible for becoming learning resources for history class; (2) Competency Based Curriculum has not been completely socialized; (3)There has been minimum understanding of teachers upon existence of historical relics in Semarang Regency and implementation of Competency Based Curriculum; (4) There has been slight difference (or almost similar) in implementation of Competency Based Curriculum compared to that of previous curriculum; (5) minor use of historical relics as learning resources and minimum implementation of Competency Based Curriculum impact on lower acquisition of learners’ competency. Encouraging the use of historical relics as learning resources and implementation of Competency Based Curriculum requires alternate policies involving government, legislative board, teachers and community as a whole, in order that the expected history learning be successful

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