Mimesis in Ottoman paintings: An evaluation in regards the paintings of Şeker Ahmed Paşa


Osmanlı resminde mimesis kendi iç dinamikleri sonucu ulaştığı bir yöntem değildir. Batıdan ithal edilen biçim dilinin Osmanlı sanatçıları tarafından uygulanmasından ibarettir. Osmanlı resminde bu kavram 17. yüzyıldan itibaren geleneksel biçim dilinin çözülmeye başlamasıyla gündeme gelir, ancak programlı olarak 19. yüzyıl resminde uygulanmaya başlanır. Bu makale, mimesis kavramını Şeker Ahmed Paşa’nın resimleri bağlamında incelemektedir. Felsefi anlamda mimesis, akılcı, nesnel ve bilimsel bir gerçekliğin resim düzleminde ifadesidir. Osmanlı-İslam kültürü içinde yetişen, tasavvufun ontolojik görüşü ve geleneksel ahlak sistemine büyük ölçüde bağlı olan bir sanatçının resimlerinde mimesisin kendini özgü yönü sorgulanmaktadır.  Anahtar Kelimeler: Mimesis, Osmanlı resmi, Şeker Ahmed Paşa.Mimesis was not a method that was attained as a result of internal dynamics in the Ottoman paintings. It consisted of the Ottoman artists implementation of a style that was imported from the Western world. This concept came into being in the Ottoman paintings, starting from 17th Century, when the style of language used became disintegrated; however, it’s programmed implementation in paintings dates back to the 19th Century. The image in painting is not only physical and technical result but also mental and cultural expression. This article presents a epistemological approach to the subject. Ottoman mentality that is based on a priory and idealist epistemology is in contrast with Western mentality that is based on empirical and positivist epistemology. These two different ways of thinking and seeing were conjoined and that constituted peculiar structure in Westernization period. Philosophically speaking, mimesis is the expression that is projected as painting as it is realized on a rationalistic, objective and a scientific scale. This paper examines the concept of mimesis in relation to paintings of Şeker Ahmed Paşa. The interrogation, in question, here is about the style of use of mimesis in paintings of Şeker Ahmed Paşa who was raised in an Ottoman-Islamic culture, who was bound by the views of Islamic mysticism and who was also tied to a traditional moral system. Keywords: Mimesis, Ottoman painting, Şeker Ahmed Paşa

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