Cumhuriyet sonrası Kayseri'de modernleşme: Mekansal ve toplumsal değişim


Modernization experience after the foundation of Turkish Republic could be comprehended as a shifting process on spatial and social identity, rather than a political re-construction. It was aimed to renovate whole life styles and figures by Republican revolutions. Modernization process and modernity phenomenon, which were linked with the ideology of the French and Industrial (English) Revolutions, motivated these social and political reformations. As a result of these, renovation of the political order by modernization also affected spatial and social identity. There were three different effects on space. First of all, identifying homeland by sustaining territories of national state after The Turkish Independence War with its reasons and results; secondarily, re-construction -in other words urbanization- of the Anatolian cities: and reformations on the housing form, its usage and construction. Particularly, urbanization and housing were the main issues of that period. Modern' life-style was desired by illustrations and articles on contemporary houses and their usage for creating a change on daily habits, like dressing or writing-reading attitudes. Besides these, private enterprises were supported for establishing factories for industrialization and economic development. However, by the effects of the 1930 World Economic Crisis, modernization approach were updated due to sustaining its reconstructions, and Turkish-State integrated its reforms on social life and  spatial order with industrialization, and construct factories which embodied residences, schools, markets, sportive and cultural spaces. It could be said that State affected the modernization process of the cities with their inhabitants. The residences and social spaces classified and identified the social culture and architectural context by its spatial renovations. The establishments trained their laborers and their families and defined them with their abilities in a contemporary aspect. According to this approach, Kayseri was the one of the significant cities of Turkey, which this state-based industrialization process has been firstly exercised: In 1926, Tayyare (Plane) Factory, as the first establishment of the Turkish heavy industry, and in 1935, Sümerbank Textile Factory, as the first state based industrial organization, were founded in the city. Furthermore, a Sugar Factory was established in 1955 by cooperation of municipality and state. These factories introduced new approaches to housing and to daily life by including educational, sportive and cultural facilities. Their residences and the houses constructed by workers cooperatives led to a chance in the urban identity and motivated the urbanization of the city by the contrasts of the form and spatial order. This improvement could be evaluated as an urban and spatial reformation, which also affected daily life, habits and interactions. Therefore this study is intended to evaluate and criticize the modernization process after Turkish Republic and the sustainability of its 'modern' identity from comprehending the spatal and social change by examining the dwellings around these three industrial settlements in Kayseri and their social order. This study is aimed to analyze this shifting process in the urban life by spatially and socially. First of all, the avant-garde forms and spaces of these industrial establishments and their housing settlements are examined.  According to this survey, their urban and spatial orders are compared with traditional environment to clarify the effects on space and its construction. Although, their housing forms are not only observed as a spatial or cultural artifact, but their urban pattern characteristics and spatial qualities are also examined. Moreover, cultural and social activities are discussed as well as housing types and their usage, for evaluating the change on identity of the people and their relationships. In-depth interviews and their content analyses are used for evaluating the effects on housing, urban form and social order. It is focused on the spatial usage of the residences and cooperative housings with cultural, educational and sportive activities in the interviews, done with people, who lived- worked in these industry settlements and citizens from city that visit there severally. According to this approach, this study aims to criticize the effects of these three state-based industrial settlements in Kayseri and their housing settlements on the modernization process; spatial and social change of the city, through the modernization experience of early Turkish Republic. Keywords: Modernization, Kayseri, housing, urbanization, identity.Cumhuriyet sonrası modernleşme deneyiminin, siyasal olarak yeni bir yapılanma niteliği taşımasının ötesinde, mekânsal ve toplumsal kimliği etkileyen değişimler içerdiği söylenebilir. Yaşama alışkanlıklarının ve biçimin her alanında yenilenme içeren devrimler ile ‘modern’ kimliğin inşası hedeflenmiştir. Bu kapsamda, devletin değişim ve kalkınma hedeflerini bir araya getirerek kurduğu sanayi yerleşkeleri, Anadolu kentlerindeki mekânsal ortamın ve toplumsal yapının yenilenmesine katkı sağlamıştır. Kayseri, devletin -bu amaçla- ilk sanayi yatırımlarını gerçekleştirdiği kenttir. Ülkenin ilk ağır sanayi yatırımı olarak kurulan Tayyare (uçak) Fabrikası (1926), devlet merkezli yapılanmanın ilk örneği Sümerbank Bez Fabrikası (1935) ve Şeker Fabrikası (1955), yarattıkları iş olanakları ve barınmadan eğitime sundukları hizmetler ile kentleşme sürecini, konutun biçimi ile üretimini ve sosyal ortamı etkilemişlerdir. Özellikle lojmanlar ve çevrelerinde çalışanlarınca kurulan kooperatifler ile devam eden konutlar, ortaya çıkardıkları biçimsel ve kurgusal farklılık ile kentin gelişimine ve kimliğin değişimine yön vermiştir. Modernlik olgusunun birey merkezli tartışmaları, içerdiği farklılık arayışı ve ortaya çıkardığı kriz hali ile devletin sanayi yatırımlarını kurarken ve işletirken ortaya koyduğu yöntem arasındaki çelişki, Türkiye Modernleşmesi’nin kendine has bir deneyim olarak kavranmasını gerektirmektedir. Bu bakışla çalışma kapsamında, Türkiye’de Cumhuriyet’in ilanı sonrası modernleşme deneyimine bağlı olarak, Kayseri’de devlet tarafından kurulmuş bu üç işletme ve çevrelerinde gelişen konut yerleşimlerinin, kentteki modernleşme sürecine, mekânsal ve toplumsal değişime etkilerinin incelemesi amaçlanmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Modernleşme, Kayseri, konut, kentleşme, kimlik

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