A conceptual model for performance evaluation of energy consumption and user comfort of the atrium buildings


Atriyum tipi binalarda aşırı enerji tüketimi ve aşırı enerji tüketimine rağmen kullanıcı konfor koşullarının sağlanamaması bir sorun olarak ele alınmıştır. Bu soruna çözüm üretmek amacıyla, atriyum tipi binaların dış kabuğunu oluşturan en önemli alt sistem olan camlama sistemine ait seçeneklerin, binanın enerji tüketiminin azaltılması ve konfor koşullarının sağlanması için uygunluğunun belirlenmesine ve buna ilişkin bir denetim sisteminin geliştirilmesine yönelik bir performans değerlendirme modeli hedeflenmektedir. Atriyum tipi binalarda enerji tüketiminin azaltılması ve kullanıcı konforunun sağlanması için istenilen performans kriterlerinin karşılanması, camlama sisteminin soruna çözüm getirecek biçimde tasarlanmasıyla olanaklıdır. Geleneksel binalardan daha karmaşık hava olayları içerdiği için farklılaşan atriyum tipi binalarda, geleneksel binaların performansının belirlenmesinde kullanılan enerji simülasyon programları yetersiz kalmaktadır. Bu nedenle modelin uygulanabilirliğini sağlamak için atriyum tipi binalarda karşılaşılan karmaşık hava olayları ve bu olayların birbirlerine olan etkilerini simüle edebilecek pek çok programın kullanıldığı bir simülasyon modeli oluşturulmuştur. Önerilen simülasyon modelinde, binanın enerji tüketiminin ve kullanıcı konfor koşullarına uygunluğunun belirlenmesine yönelik iç ortam verilerinin elde edilmesinde enerji simülasyon programı EnergyPlus, Window 5.2, Comis ve Delight, atriumdaki hava tabakalaşmasının belirlenmesinde hesaplı akışkanlar dinamiği programı Fluent ve Gambit kullanılmıştır. Simülasyon modeli kullanılarak elde edilen verilerin çalışmanın başlangıcında hedeflenen performans gereksinmeleri doğrultusunda oluşturulan performans ölçütlerine uygunluğu araştırılarak, atrium tipi binanın enerji tüketimi ve kullanıcı konforuna yönelik performans değerlendirmesi yapılmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Atriyum, bina simülasyonu, enerji, kullanıcı konforu, performans değerlendirmesi.The advantages of the atrium which is commonly used in modern architecture in recent years, have been listed as; performing impressive spaces, reviving the indoor space by admitting daylight, maximizing the benefit from direct solar gain, maintaining solutions for natural ventilation and acclimatization, increasing interaction and socialization of the people. The atrium acts as a filter of undesirable effects of outdoor environment factors such as rain, snow or wind, and retains the desirable effects of outdoor such as sunshine, fresh air and visual circumstances (Bryn, 1995; Bednar, 1986; Saxon, 1986). Formation of the appropriate indoor environment conditions to meet the requirements of the users' in performing their physical, social and functional activities, is the main function of a building envelope. Under the effects of outdoor environmental factors the desire of forming the indoor comfort conditions, requires the need of energy consumption in buildings. The required energy which is used in heating, cooling and ventilation is generally provided by consumption of the unrenewable energy sources. The consumed energy is related with the performance of the building envelope that balances the relation between the outer climatic factors and user. The performance can be defined as the envelope's optimum benefit from the outer effects. The biggest part of the energy consumption in atrium buildings is based on the glazing system which is one of the most important parts of the building envelope. A study has been performed in order to determine appropriate glazing system to solve the problems of excessive energy consumption and insufficient user comfort conditions in an atrium building. The study has projected that the glazing system that forms the outer envelope of an atrium has to be designed to solve the problem of meeting the performance criteria to supply the requirements of user comfort and energy protection by the principles of sustainability and energy efficiency. The model suggests a determination of an appropriate glazing and controlling system to meet reduction in energy consumption and user comfort conditions in atrium buildings. Thermal and optical properties of the glazing system, infiltration, air movements between the adjacent zones and atrium, day lighting has been included in the calculations of  total energy consumption of the atrium building and evaluations of the indoor environmental conditions in accordance with the comfort requirements. Furthermore calculations of the air stratification of atrium have been done. In the study, application of the conceptual performance model is provided by the simulation model. The model includes different types of programs in order to estimate complex phenomena of the atrium which were computed with the interaction of the different simulation programs EnergyPlus and Fluent, as well as the auxiliary tools Window 5.2, Comis, Delight and Gambit that support them. The process of the model, the interrelation between the parameters of the process has been evaluated by the system interaction approach in a conceptual framework. The model includes three steps. In the first step, objects, limitations have been defined, determined and reorganized in the context of energy performance and user comfort conditions. The relationship between the input factors in the model; outdoor environment, building envelope and user requirements that play important role on the design of the building envelope have been given. In the second step, the model which includes the comparison between different glazing alternatives and the selection of the appropriate alternative has been established. In the third step evaluation, comparison and selection of the optimum alternative has been suggested. Finally the data required during these steps of the process has been given in detail. The simulation tools for testing the model and the interaction between them have been demonstrated. By the help of the simulation model, the atrium building's glazing system that determines the optimum performance of the building envelope and the components of the system have been investigated by the means of the properties of the system that affect energy performance and user comfort conditions in accordance with the related standards and calculation methods. Keywords: Atrium, glazing system, building simulation, energy, performance evaluation

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