UV and visibly active photocatalytic materials based on zeolites have been designed, wherein, a hybrid photocatalytic material comprising
charge transfer complex namely, heteropolyacid, a semiconductor and transition metal have been incorporated in the zeolite matrix to facilitate
its usage for photoreduction of water to hydrogen. The photocatalytic materials synthesized using zeolite, TiO2 and heteropolyacid (HPA)
are active in the UV range and the hydrogen yield works out to be 3000 �mol/h/g of TiO2 catalyst in UV range, which is quite low as
compared to that reported in literature. The photocatalytic materials developed by incorporation of HPA, TiO2 and Co+2 are visibly active
and are performing well as compared to reported materials in terms of their photoreduction properties and show potential for water splitting
reaction in visible light. The maximum hydrogen yield works out to be 2304.9 �mol//h/g of TiO2 in visible range which is substantially high
as compared to other reported values for supported TiO2 based photocatalytic materials