Knowledge of HIV infection and ways of its transmission: a knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and practices (KABP) survey among a sample of students at the “Magna Graecia”, University of Catanzaro


Background. Continuous spreading of HIV infection may be due to a lack of knowledge, especially among young people. Methods. We decided to assess  knowledge of HIV infection and risk factors in a sample of students at the “Magna Graecia” University of Catanzaro, using an anonymous multiple-choice questionnaire. Results. An anonymous multiple-choice questionnaire was administered in December 2015. Two hundred and sixty-six students responded (216 attending the medical school and 50 attending School of Law). Knowledge of HIV infection was scarce in a significant percentage of students who practice behaviours at risk for acquisition of HIV infection and STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) in general. Conclusion. This study shows that preventative and informative campaigns are urgently needed in earlier stage of adolescence to avoid acquisition of HIV infection and other STD

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