
Group Marriage Problem


Let GG be a permutation group acting on [n]={1,...,n}[n]=\{1, ..., n\} and V={Vi:i=1,...,n}\mathcal{V}=\{V_{i}: i=1, ..., n\} be a system of nn subsets of [n][n]. When is there an element g∈Gg \in G so that g(i)∈Vig(i) \in V_{i} for each i∈[n]i \in [n]? If such gg exists, we say that GG has a GG-marriage subject to V\mathcal{V}. An obvious necessary condition is the {\it orbit condition}: for any βˆ…=ΜΈYβŠ†[n]\emptyset \not = Y \subseteq [n], ⋃y∈YVyβŠ‡Yg={g(y):y∈Y}\bigcup_{y \in Y} V_{y} \supseteq Y^{g}=\{g(y): y \in Y \} for some g∈Gg \in G. Keevash (J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 111(2005), 289--309) observed that the orbit condition is sufficient when GG is the symmetric group \Sym([n]); this is in fact equivalent to the celebrated Hall's Marriage Theorem. We prove that the orbit condition is sufficient if and only if GG is a direct product of symmetric groups. We extend the notion of orbit condition to that of kk-orbit condition and prove that if GG is the alternating group \Alt([n]) or the cyclic group CnC_{n} where nβ‰₯4n \ge 4, then GG satisfies the (nβˆ’1)(n-1)-orbit condition subject to \V if and only if GG has a GG-marriage subject to V\mathcal{V}

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