A Critical Inspection of Socio-Cultural Realities in American Society Based on Tony Kushner's Angels in America with the Ethical Lens of Emmanuel Levinas


Political theater reveals the problematic issues of a society to make its audience stand up for their suppressed rights and to compel the States to make political and social reforms. Although the American politicians claim to have established justice, equality and morality, the marginal minorities have lost their identity in the American society as a result of the discrimination imposed by the government and the mainstream. This Article aims at depicting the dark reality and the real position of marginal minorities in the American society as well as the solution of this issue suggested by Tony Kushner in his play Angels in America. This study was conducted under the light of Levinasian ethical principles and his concepts of the other and face to face encounter. Having scrutinized Angels in America, it was found that marginalizing the minorities causes them not to participate in social movements and also to hide their real identity. Also the result of this study showed that solidarity, hope and social activism are the solution to prevent the devastation of the American society. More political theories can be taken to reduce ethical problems that America is faced with as well as in the Middle East

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