Comparison of Conception of Space-Time between Dysgraphic Children and Normal Children of Ilam Province, Iran


Dictation is one of prevalent topics in relation to learning disabilities which is considered by the experts and psychologists in the current century. Dysgraphia or disorder in dictation is a major written disorder. The applied studies demonstrate that this disability causes students’ fatigue and losing their interest and finally will result in academic failure. The present study was applied with the objective of comparing the conception of space-time between dysgraphic children and normal children in Ilam Province within academic year 91-92 (2012-13). This research according to the nature of question and objectives is causal-comparative study. The data was collected using Wechsler intelligence scale for children revised (WISC-R), Wechsler cube subtest for children and teacher-made distraction test. Fifty students were selected among the boy and girl students of first and second grades of primary school, by random cluster sampling.  Summary of results indicated that space and time concept are understood by dysgraphic children later than normal children. According to the results of this study, it is concluded that the dysgraphic students have problem with space and time elements construction. Summary of results indicates that space and time concepts are perceived by children infected with dysgraphia later than normal children, thus it may be used in preschool children for readiness for reading and writing i.e. focus on perceiving the orientation concepts (up-down, far-near, left-right) as well as attention to physical  design and physical  space

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