Developmental Teaching and LearningTechnologies


This research investigates the theoretical and practical issues related to the theoretical analysis of the problem of developmental teaching technologies, characterizes the main goals of developmental teaching, specifies the hypothesis, selects the content of education, determines the features of the development of critical thinking in students, and studies in detail such pedagogical technologies as portfolio, pedagogical workshops, and game technologies. The research gives a concrete methodological description of the methods of various technologies: developing critical thinking through reading and writing, portfolio, pedagogical workshops, and game technologies, which will allow using the tried and tested experience as a theoretical and practical framework in various pedagogical cultures. The theoretical analysis and generalization of experience of implementing effective technologies in the pedagogical process found that the formation of the main concepts in students in each academic subject takes place in a spiral-shaped manner – from the center to the periphery, where the center is occupied by the abstract and general notion of the formed concept, which is concretized on the periphery, enriched with individual notions, and thus transformed into a scientific and theoretical concept

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