Investigating the relationship between resources and expenditures of Agricultural Bank and its effect on national production and Iranian Capital and Labor Support in Agriculture


This research investigates the relationship between resources and expenditures of Agricultural Bank and its effect on national production and Iranian Capital and Labor Support during 2007-2011. The statistical population of the research is Central Agricultural Bank of Iran; therefore, the sample in this research is equal to the population. It is a descriptive correlation research with a practical goal. In order to rest hypotheses, the researcher has used regression method to assess the effect of credit facilities on National Production in agriculture. Moreover, the effect of attracting banking sources on paying facilities was examined too. Before testing the hypotheses, the researcher administered Kolmogorov – Smirnov test to make sure if the data were normally distributed. The results of testing hypotheses showed that there was no relationship between paying the facilities in agronomy and gardening and National Production in this sector. There was a direct relationship between paying facilities in livestock and poultry and National Production in this sector. There was a direct relationship between paying facilities in fisheries and aquaculture and National Production in this sector. Finally, there was a direct relationship between attracting banking sources and paying facilities

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