Higher education moved from elite system to mass system and accommodated different forms of partnership and collaboration which is now viewed as amechanism for enhancing service delivery in education. The academic personnel ofUPHSL are encouraged to participate in various support services essential inensuring delivery of quality education. It is imperative that collaboration amongemployees is evident. The objective of this study was to identify how thepersonality type of 43 UPHSL academic personnel relate to their level oforganizational commitment and how organizational commitment relate to theircollaborative alliance. This descriptive-correlation research used conveniencesampling. Findings showed that the more the respondents manifest traits such asabasement, achievement, deference, and respect for others, the higher is their levelof organizational commitment; the more the respondents manifest traits such asabasement, achievement, deference, modesty, optimism, respect for others, thegreater is their extent of collaborative alliance especially in terms of giving qualityservice to satisfy their stakeholders; and that the higher the level of the academicpersonnel’s organizational commitment is, the greater is their involvement ininstitutional marketing and promotion, community outreach program involvementand customer satisfaction. Creating a rich employment environment is also highlyencouraged