Assessing Parental Involvement in Required High School Financial Literacy Education Courses Taught in Utah School Districts


Financial management skills are used throughout our lives, from the first allowance we receive until we provide funds for our funeral services and burial. How do we learn financial skills that last us a lifetime? Much of our learning comes from watching others, specifically as children and teens, even into young adulthood, as explained by Social Learning Theory. This informal learning can help or hinder us throughout our lives, especially when finances are involved. In recent years, the opportunities for formal education have increased. Ideally, based on systems theory, formal and informal financial learning would work hand in hand for the best results. Specifically, is that happening in Utah’s required high school general financial literacy courses? This study assessed the degree to which parents/guardians are being involved with the formal financial teaching of their children, the ways parents/guardians were being involved, perceived benefits and obstacles of parental involvement, and if the educational background of the educator made a difference in their desire for further training in this area. An invitation to participate in an online survey was sent to all educators teaching General Financial Literacy in Utah’s public high schools. Insight was provided in this descriptive study that allowed recommendations for practice and future research in this area

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