

総説Review articles 日本人の多くが痛みを経験するが,現代のリハビリテーション医療では,治療効果が得られにくい患者もおり,症状の慢性化に至る例も少なくない.慢性疼痛の原因は,痛みを長期間,頻回に受けることにより,痛みの神経生理学的機構における中枢神経系の可塑的変化が生じることにより起きている.痛み治療において,集学的アプローチが重要であり,医師の薬物治療は,痛みの神経生理学的機構に基づいて行われて,効果を発揮している.本稿では,現在解明されている痛みの神経生理学的機構とその破綻による慢性疼痛のメカニズムについて概要し,痛みの神経生理学的機構に基づいた理学療法の重要性について,論述した. A large number of Japanese people have experienced pain, however modern rehabilitation treatment is less likely to treat their pain completely, and the pain may lead to chronic symptoms. A primary cause of chronic pain is the mechanism of occurrence of plastic changes in the central neuro system. The neurophysiological plastic change results from repeated pain in a long period. As to pain therapy, a multimodal approach is essential for the therapeutic effect and physician’s medication based on the neurophysiological mechanism of pain makes more effective results rather than the modern medical treatment. In this article, we expounded the outline of neurophysiological mechanism of pain and the existing problem of mechanism of chronic pain. Finally, we discussed the importance of the current physical therapy based on the neurophysiological mechanism of pain

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